Nature Touch Farms
3 min readSep 24, 2023


23 AMAZING FACTS ABOUT VANILLA by Rohan McLeod — Nature Touch Farms

You know that vanilla is oh-so-delicious and aromatic, however did you also know that it’s rare, VERY expensive (2nd most expensive spice in the world) and #23 will surprise you. Here are some surprising facts about vanilla.

1. Vanilla is the only fruit-bearing member of the orchid family.

2. There are over 150 varieties of vanilla plants.

3. Just like grapes that make wine, no two vanilla beans are the same in flavor, aroma, or color.

4. Vanilla vines grow 30–50 ft tall, supported by a host tree or posts.

5. Must be grown in a hot, moist, tropical climate, 75°-85°F.

6. The United States is the world’s largest consumer of vanilla, followed by Europe — especially France.

7. Vanilla is not only used as a flavor in foods and beverages but also in perfumes.

8. Vanilla has many industrial applications such as a flavoring for medicines and as a fragrance to conceal the strong smell of rubber tires, paint and cleaning products.

9. About 2,000–2,500 tons of vanilla beans are produced worldwide each year.

10. The definition of the word vanilla is “little pod” in Spanish.

11. The Aztecs called vanilla tlilxóchitl, meaning black flower. This indicates that they were more interested in the cured bean, which is a dark brown, rather than the flower itself which is a greenish white.

12. Vanilla first left Mexico in the early 1500s on ships bound for Spain. It was originally believed only to have value as a perfume. It wasn’t until Cortes arrived in 1519 that the Spaniards learned it was also a flavor.

13. Vanilla is the world’s second most labor-intensive agricultural crop. During some growing seasons, vanilla bean farmers will “tattoo” their beans with small markings (made with toothpick-sized instruments) to prevent theft and protect their labor investment.

14. Spiders don’t like vanilla. Use whole vanilla beans to drive away those eight-legged creatures.

15. The flower that produces the vanilla bean lasts only one day( actually less than a day). The beans are hand-picked and then cured, wrapped, and dried in a process that takes 4 to 6 months.

16. After saffron, vanilla is the most expensive spice in the world.

17. In Europe, vanilla was once used in the production of certain medicines such as nerve stimulants and as an aphrodisiac.

18. Pure vanilla extract contains 13.35 ounces of vanilla beans per gallon during extraction, according to FDA specifications.

19. Nearly 30% of Americans choose vanilla as their №1 ice cream flavor. Chocolate ranks second, with less than 10% of the vote.

20. Only the melipona bee, found in Central America, can pollinate vanilla. In other parts of the world, humans duplicate the process using a wooden needle.

21. After pollination, it takes 9 months for the vanilla pods to be ready for harvest. It is then graded and made ready to use fresh or as a value added product.

22. One tablespoon of vanilla extract has 37 calories, a large portion of which comes from sugars and alcohol.

23. It is grown successfully in Jamaica

PLEASE LIKE & SHARE — If you found this informative and helpful.

READ MORE ABOUT HOW TO GROW, HARVEST & ENJOY VANILLAhttps://medium.com/@naturetouchfarms/vanilla-bean-plants-how-to-grow-harvest-enjoy-home-grown-vanilla-with-ease-4ea70ba8f267

FOLLOW US Nature Touch Farms for more valuable information.

VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO PURCHASE YOUR VANILLA BEAN PLANT www.farmlinkr.com.com/store/nature-touch-farms

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